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Nowadays, there are numerous skinrejuvenation procedures available; but what is IPL? And why is it thetop trending skincare treatment today? Well, you should definitely check thisguide for the answers.
IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light. It is acommon skin therapy technique used by skin and beauty experts to treat wrinklesand remove unwanted hairs and spots from the skin.
Apart from treating wrinkles and removingspots, IPL can also be used to manage:
• Birthmarks
• Varicose veins
• Age spots
• Sun damage
• Broken blood vessels beneath the skin
• Freckles
A dermatologist uses a handheld device tofocus IPL onto the skin. IPL is polychromatic, meaning it has several wavelengths.The broad-spectrum light will travel through the epidermis layer withoutdamaging it, into the dermis. Pigment cells beneath the skin will absorb thelight and convert it to heat. The heat generated will then destroy the unwantedspots and remove wrinkles.
IPL is a non-invasive treatment method.Before the procedure is administered, your skin will first be examined todetermine if IPL is the best option for your condition. In case you are giventhe go-ahead, you should avoid:
• Waxing or plucking four weeks prior totreatment
• Applying wax or deodorants on the area tobe treated
• Direct sunlight in no less than sevendays before treatment
• Collagen injections
• Creams
If your skin is sensitive, you are advisedto invest in protection creams such as a numbing cream.
The IPL treatment itself takes a couple ofminutes (20 -30 minutes). The period of healing typically depends on thecondition treated. For instance, if the specialist is handling a freckle, itwill take up to 3 to 7 days for the spots to completely disappear. Moreover,IPL rarely causes physical scars on the skin.
There are no long-term side effects associated with IPL treatment. Most people experience swelling or mild redness after the procedure. However, this is a short-term risk that will fade off in a day or two. Some people may also experience:
• Change of skin colour
• Blistering
• Bruising
• Or infection
IPL works and produces results in almost the same way as cosmetics treatments. However, the end results may vary depending on pre and post-treatment care. When used for hair removal, the method will work best when the hairs are thick and dark. However, if you have fine and light hair, you may be required to combine both the IPL and other techniques.
Are you still wondering what is IPL? Or where to get trained? Well, we’ve got you covered. At Dermal Therapy Courses, we are a team of specialists, with extensive knowledge of all aspects pertaining to IPL technology. Our institution is fully equipped, and all our courses are practical in nature. For more queries on what is IPL and how to get the treatment done, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be glad to help you!
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